Producers and their role in the economy
Producers (enterprises and firms)
are the backbone of any economy. Their aim is to supply goods and services,
seek profits and compete with one another. They are transform inputs into
outputs. There is labour, capital and
natural resources are the main factors of production.
Every economy faces the problem of
what, how and for whom to produce. Market economy solves this problem thanks to
the law of supply and demand, which states that imbalances in the market corrects
by changes in prices. It is imbalances between the quantity of the goods that
buyers want to purchase and the quantity that producers want to sell.
When price of a good or service goes
down, people increase their purchases, when it goes up demand cut down.
Producers, when price goes up, increase their output. When there is shortage at
the market, supply increase and producers have a chance to make an extra
Perfect market is the model of
market, where are a lot of buyers and sellers and competition is free. Monopoly
is situation, when there is one seller or a very limited numerous of sellers in
some markets.