The London
Stock exchange
A stock exchange is a highly
organized financial market where bond, shares and other securities can be
bought or sold. It function is to put those who wish to sell securities in
touch with those who wish to buy them.
Stock market business is worldwide.
There is London, New York, Tokyo, Paris,
Amsterdam, Brussels and other mega
policies are the famous centers of stock exchange activity.
The London Stock exchange one of the
biggest financial centers. London
has had a stock exchange for over 200 years. It moved to different places and
different buildings. In 1986 "Big Bang" – legal reforms – was
implemented and Exchange was change radically. Now it has a screen-based
trading, stockbrokers deal in securities through telephones and computers.
The Russian Stock Market is not so
successful now, but it has a tremendous potential and of course our market soon
will become one of the main financial centers.